Book Japan Trip 2025

Please complete this form if you would like to reserve a place on the Japan Textiles trip 2025.

If you are accepted, you agree to pay the full fee of $4,100 by the requested date.

Payment will be by Paypal.

You will need to make your own arrangements for flights to and from Tokyo, hotel accommodation for the nights before and after the workshops in Tokyo and for any other sightseeing travel.

We recommend you get travel insurance to cover your trip and a Japan Railpass is also useful for onward travel (NOTE: your travel costs are covered inside the trip dates)

Cancellation: If less than 3 months before the trip a $250 fee will be retained from your payment to cover administration costs.

Please note: In addition, Paypal fees cannot be refunded as Paypal do not refund these fees.

Places are limited and priority will be given to people waiting from previous trips.